
Title Full Name Immuno Sequence Mono/Poly clonal Sheep Number Aliquot Price Add to cart
RIPK2   RIPK2 phospho Ser 174 KWRMMS*LSQS [residues 169 - 180 of human] Polyclonal S889B 0.1mg
RIPK2   RIPK2 phospho Ser 180 + Ser 181 LSQRS*S*KSAPEG [residues 175 - 187of human] Polyclonal S888B 0.1mg
RNF113B   RNF113B His-RNF113B [DU 21862] Polyclonal S264D 0.1mg
RNF115   RNF115 (mouse) GST-RNF115 (mouse) DU51967 Polyclonal SA356 0.1mg
RNF12   RNF12 phospho Ser 212 Ser 214 QRRARS*RS*PEHRR [residues 207 - 219 of human] Polyclonal SA310 0.1mg
RNF12 RNF12 (mouse) GST-RNF12 (mouse) [DU 49041] Polyclonal S708D 0.1mg
RNF12   RNF12 (1 - 271 mouse) GST-RNF12 (1 - 271 mouse) [DU 49042] Polyclonal S691D 0.1mg
RNF146   His-RNF146 His-RNF146 [DU 39063] Polyclonal S319D 0.1mg
RNF7   RNF7 GST-RNF7 [DU 21923] Polyclonal S299D 0.1mg
ROCK or ROK alpha ROCK phospho Thr 414 VGNQLPFIGFT*YFRENL [residues 404 - 420 of mouse] Polyclonal S928 0.1mg
ROCK or ROK alpha ROCK phospho Thr 414 VGNQLPFIGFT*YFRENL [residues 404 - 420 of mouse] Polyclonal S206A 0.1mg
RSK1 (MAPKAP_K1a)   RSK1 phospho Ser 380 FRGFS*FVATG [residues 376 - 385 of human] Polyclonal S614 0.1mg
RSK1 (MAPKAP_K1a)   RSK1 phospho Ser 363 RTPRDS*PGIP [residues 358 - 367 of human] Polyclonal S615 0.1mg
RSK2 (MAPKAP_K1)   RSK2 (712 - 734) RNQSPVLEPVGRSTLAQRRGIKK [residues 712 - 734 of human] Polyclonal S382 0.1mg
RSK3 (MAPKAP_K1)   RSK3 (714 - 733) VLSSNLAQRRGMKRLTSTRL [residues 714 - 733 of human] Polyclonal S634 0.1mg
RTT101 RTT101 (1 - 420) GST-RTT101 (1 - 420 S. cerevisiae) [DU21753] Polyclonal S235D 0.1mg
RTT101 RTT101 (460 - 660) GST-RTT101 (460 - 660 S. cerevisiae) [DU 21754] Polyclonal S245D 0.1mg
RUB1 RUB1 (21 - 35) CDLVYHIKELLEEKEG [residues 21 - 35 of S. cerevisiae] Polyclonal S105D 0.1mg
RUB1 RUB1 (44 - 58) CIFQGKQIDDKLTVTD [residues 44 - 58 of S. cerevisiae] Polyclonal S105D 0.1mg
RUBCNL   KIAA0226L (1 - 440) GST-KIAA0226L (1 - 440) [DU 26405] Polyclonal SA297 0.1mg